

最新发表在英国营养杂质的数据表明:连续十天膳食补充葡聚糖可以增加运动之后的总白血球和促炎性白血球的水平。研究者Dr Brian McFarlin曾指出,训练之前膳食补充焙烤酵母β-葡聚糖可以改变典型的运动固有免疫反应,目前的发现恰恰支持了这一说法。需要更多的研究来验证所观察到现象的临床应用价值。

成分 β-葡聚糖是通过一个专利生产工艺从专有酵母菌种(酿酒酵母)的细胞壁中衍生而来的,是一种激活关键免疫细胞的天然碳水化合物。 β-葡聚糖可以应用于食品、饮料以及额外的膳食补充,而且在这些大的分类中它还可以应用在大量的小范畴之中。例如,饮料产品可以包括水、茶、果汁、运动饮料和其他的功能性饮料,比如固体饮料。

研究细节 Dr McFarlin和他的同事评估了连续10天膳食补充β-葡聚糖对运动后免疫抑制的影响作用。该实验招募了60个年轻有活力的男女,分配他们去补充β-葡聚糖或者安慰剂(米粉)进行对照,实验持续10天。为排除其他影响,参与者需经历一个为期7天的洗脱空白期。参与者被要求进行一循环的剧烈运动,在湿热环境中骑车50min。结果显示运动后两小时,与安慰剂组对照发现,葡聚糖组中总白细胞水平和促炎性白细胞的水平明显较高。研究者阐明:目前研究的关键发现在于β-葡聚糖对剧烈运动阶段后改变免疫作用具有潜力。


Beta-glucan ingredient may boost immune function for athletes: Study Post a commentBy Stephen Daniells, 11-May-2012 Related topics: Research, Immune system Daily supplements of the beta-glucan may alter immune function after strenuous exercise, says a new study from the University of Houston. Strenuous exercise is known to weaken or suppress the immune function, making some athletes more prone to infection and illness. New data published in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests that ten days of supplementation with beta-glucan may increase levels of total and pro-inflammatory white blood cells (monocytes) after exercise. “These findings support the notion that supplementation with baker’s yeast beta-glucan before exercise altered the typical post-exercise innate immune response,” wrote the researchers, led by Dr Brian McFarlin. “More research is needed to understand what the clinical implications of the observed changes are.” The ingredient Beta-glucan, derived from the cell walls of a proprietary strain of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) via a patented manufacturing process, is a natural carbohydrate that activates key immune cells. Designed for use with foods, beverages and premium supplements, beta-glucan can be used in a large number of subcategories in each segment. For example, beverages example, may include dairy, waters, teas, juices, sports drinks and other functional beverages, as well as powdered beverages. Study details Dr McFarlin and his co-workers evaluated the effects of 10 days of supplementation with beta-glucan on post-exercise immunosuppression. They recruited 60 active men and women and assigned them to receive either the beta-glucan ingredient or placebo (rice flour) for 10 days. The participants then crossed over to the other intervention after a seven-day washout period in between. The participants were asked to complete bouts of strenuous exercise by cycling for about 50 minutes in hot and humid conditions. Results showed that total and pro-inflammatory monocyte levels were “significantly greater” two hours after exercise following the beta-glucan phase, compared with the placebo phase. “The key findings of the present study demonstrate that beta-glucan may have potential to alter immunity following a strenuous exercise session,” wrote the researchers. Source: British Journal of Nutrition Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1017/S0007114512001407 “Baker's yeast β-glucan supplementation increases monocytes and cytokines post-exercise: implications for infection risk?” Authors: K. C. Carpenter, W. L. Breslin, T. Davidson, A. Adams and B. K. McFarlin
